Monday, April 11, 2011

Kudos, Malaysia.

Ah, here I am again, after another season of going missing. So, wonder one, wonder all, regarding what I am about to ramble about today. I guess it comes as a no-shocker to many- the dirty side of Malaysian politics. Or rather politik kotor... quote unquote Chandra Muzaffar. Anyhoos, the pettiness of things baffles me beyond what I can aptly ever be able to put down in words.

Malaysian politicians seem to be having an uncanny liking towards porn and are not trying at all to hide it. ROFL. But what seems to boggle my mind is how they can frame and re-frame the same individual over and over again. I mean like, come on lah, cut the guy some slack. This just shows me how insecure they are about themselves that they see DSAI as such a threat that needs to be banished by any means possible. Face the fact that the guy is good. Stop being such babies that need to cover their tushes by putting him into trouble, ALL THE FREAKING TIME? Grow up la, so-called seasoned 'leaders'!

The Sarawak elections tickle me to the bone. This is when BN decides to give out tupperwares as bait? You think you can buy votes with freaking plastic? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I always thought that these were the kind of things that happened in India (given the countless Bollywood movies that tackle the issue of politics). To see it happen in my own backyard just kills the plot for me. Am I going to become a registered voter? Hell no.

Perhaps this country is not what I always thought it was, after all. There goes all the childhood ideologies. Down the drain. Poof! Regardless of everything, this is still HOME.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ms Rovi, I am sure by NOW, you have finished your housemanship.A full fledge medical Doctor? My personnel GP is Dr.ThiruMoney of KUMPULAN MEDIC, i think there is a Clinic in Subang Jaya. He is NOT a physician- but his Expertise Baffles me.
    I use to get migraine like headache very Often.
    I was working in Menara Maxis from 2000-2011, I ALWAYS get Nose congestions, Chest infections and Flu very OFTEN- minimum once a MONTH.
    Dr.Thirumoney very careful of Anti-biotics, that this Last resort for him toward his Patients.
    He accurately Diagnosed my Headache.He said, my Brain could have caught some kind of Flu.
    After a Course of ANTI-BIOTICS, i have NEVER caught FLU until now- though i was TREATED in 2007. Please do FOLLOW me Young Lady at my twitter account @hakimsharizam OR e:mail me for Interesting Political Articles WHICH is 100% TRUE about DSAI.
