Monday, April 11, 2011

Kudos, Malaysia.

Ah, here I am again, after another season of going missing. So, wonder one, wonder all, regarding what I am about to ramble about today. I guess it comes as a no-shocker to many- the dirty side of Malaysian politics. Or rather politik kotor... quote unquote Chandra Muzaffar. Anyhoos, the pettiness of things baffles me beyond what I can aptly ever be able to put down in words.

Malaysian politicians seem to be having an uncanny liking towards porn and are not trying at all to hide it. ROFL. But what seems to boggle my mind is how they can frame and re-frame the same individual over and over again. I mean like, come on lah, cut the guy some slack. This just shows me how insecure they are about themselves that they see DSAI as such a threat that needs to be banished by any means possible. Face the fact that the guy is good. Stop being such babies that need to cover their tushes by putting him into trouble, ALL THE FREAKING TIME? Grow up la, so-called seasoned 'leaders'!

The Sarawak elections tickle me to the bone. This is when BN decides to give out tupperwares as bait? You think you can buy votes with freaking plastic? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I always thought that these were the kind of things that happened in India (given the countless Bollywood movies that tackle the issue of politics). To see it happen in my own backyard just kills the plot for me. Am I going to become a registered voter? Hell no.

Perhaps this country is not what I always thought it was, after all. There goes all the childhood ideologies. Down the drain. Poof! Regardless of everything, this is still HOME.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year, New Resolutions?

It's the time of the year when everyone pull up their socks, turn over new leaves, start reminiscing about life and pretty much try to start off on a clean slate. As for me I think it's ridiculous to only be caught up in the euphoria of the moment and decide that your life or attitude needs a change! You decide on change. You, yes you make it happen for yourself. On a lighter note, as I was sitting down in church on Watchnight service in a very tight saree, trying to breathe, I couldn't help but recollect the bittersweet memories of 2010. And boy, was it a whirlwind of emotion that gushed through me just bringing my mind around the few details of the year

2010 was a year filled with uncertainty. But it was also a year that showcased God's grace at it's fullest in my life and that of my family's. It was just beautiful to sit back and watch the way things unfolded before our very own eyes. And one thing 2010 has thought me is to not be ANXIOUS about anything because He is in control. Well, this is certainly not something easily done for a person like me who just cannot sit idly, waiting for things to happen. But then again, I choose to believe that this is character building!

The last year also proved to be a clean up of relationships. You know how everyone reaches the tumult of voices in their head of re-thinking acquaintances and mere friendships, in word. That's exactly what I decided to do, like an adult in 2010. And man, it felt good to be able to be in control of EVERYTHING in your life. Haha, but then again, I met some very lovely people whom I know in my innermost being, are here to stay in my life for a VERY long time. And there are some I chose to omit from my mind.

So many things occurred in 2010 and I am pretty darn sure that if I wanted to dwell into details, I'd coax many of the readers to sleep! But some were bizzare and some were beautiful like our family's wedding of the year.

Oh yes, last year was an experimental year for my tresses. I went from looking like a Beatle, to a rockstar, to a regular girl and I ended it with a SUPER DUPER short bob!

All in all, 2010 was a myriad of colours. Some that I liked and some that I didn't but I guess that's what makes a complete picture. Yes, it was picture-esque.